Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
ICV Trailwork handbook
Here you can find the information about the author: Roger Whysall’s contribution to the Iceland Conservation Volunteers.
Note: This handbook, or parts thereof, may be reproduced, with acknowledgment to Iceland Conservation Volunteers, for purposes of work or study but not for profit or sale.
Using the Handbook
This Handbook aims to provide simple, easily understood, Iceland-specific, explanations and guides for non-specialists who, in many cases, are only temporarily engaged in this work. For more advanced options see the Endnotes.
The Handbook begins with an introduction to path building, landscaping and general principles – Trailwork Basics.
After that, each Appendix deals with a separate aspect of trailwork, beginning with an Overview which describes the challenges involved, and some methods of dealing with them.
The overview is followed by the Guide Sheets, which give step by stepinstructions for the construction techniques involved. A Contents page directs the reader to the relevant guide sheets. They are organised, where possible, sothat each sheet deals with a complete task. This makes it convenient for individual job sheets to be printed and taken to the work site.
Table of contents:
Trailwork Basics
an introduction to path building, landscaping and general principles
Appendix 1: Drainage
about the combined impact of water and footfall on paths and their surroundings and some ways of managing this
Appendix 2: Steps, Slopes, Boardwalks and Bridges
about various methods of using stone and wood to take parths up slopes and across fragile ground or streams
With further sources of information
Notes for Contributors
giving help with setting out your ideas for inclusion in the Handbook