Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
Vatnshellir Cave
In autumn 2009 it was decided to make the Vatnshelli accessible while closing it and controlling public traffic. Many have come to partake in this work and is a good example of effective cooperation between government agencies, community, organizations and individuals.
The Environment Agency of Iceland and Snæfellsbær did provide capital and labor, and men from Lionsclub Nesþinga (Hellissandi), rescueteam Lífsbjörg in Snæfellsbær and other individuals have made voluntary contributions. In accordance with parks conservation plan, the Environment Agency decided to start Vatnshellir-program, deeming it a golden opportunity to promote education and increase knowledge of the value of caves and other natural monuments, promoting them and at the same time protecting them. Furthermore, the purpose was to improve access to yet another of natures pearls in the park.
Visitors can not go into the cave unless in guided tours.
The Environment Agency opened Vatnshellir in mid-June 2010 and it was visited by 1600 visitors that summer.
Guided cave tours in Vatnshellir
To book ticket and to see tour timing go to
Warm clothing is necessary and hiking boots and gloves are recommended. Helmets and lights are provided.
Price: adults 4500 IKR per person,
Teenagers (12-17 years old) 2000 IKR,
Children (5-11 years old) free of charge.
The cave is situated in the south slopes of Purkhólahraun lava flow, north of Malarrif, by road 574. Parking is by the road. There are no WC, toilets are by the Visitor centre in Malarrif, about 5 minutes drive.