Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English

Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals, better known as REACH, applies in Iceland. It is implemented through national Regulation No 888/2015.
The Environmental Agency operates the national helpdesk for REACH. To facilitate the routing of enquiries, please consider using a descriptive subject line such as “Enquiry regarding REACH” when sending an email.
The Commission decides on the granting of authorisations shall be granted for the use of substances included in Annex XIV of REACH. As per provisions in the EEA Agreement, once the Commission has taken a decision concerning authorisation, a concurring decision is taken by Iceland within 30 days. In effect, this means that authorisations granted by the Commission become valid in Iceland within 30 days. A list of granted authorisations can be found here (the page is in Icelandic, but links are provided to the appropriate summaries in English on EUR-Lex).
Safety Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) shall be made available to professional users in Icelandic or English. SDSs in English must include information on Icelandic emergency response.
Information on emergency response regarding chemicals is stored by the Poison Centre, operated by the University Hospital of Iceland. The Poison Centre may be contacted by email at and its phone number (+354 543 2222) must be included in SDSs.
ECHA has published a Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheets in English and has detailed information regarding safety data sheets that can be accessed here.