Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
Tourist Information

We welcome you to explore this area, but sincerely ask you to help us conserve its ecology, its remarkable geological features and its tranquility. Do not drive off roads, disturb geological formations or wildlife, or light fires. And please take your litter with you.
Special Rules on Traffic and Stay
Special rules for the traffic and stay of visitors in Snæfellsjökull National Park, which are established in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 Article 81 of Act no. 60/2013 on Nature Conservation are as follows:
- Always follow defined travel routes where they exist.
- The Environment Agency is authorised to temporarily close sensitive areas, due to vegetation conservation, biodiversity conservation or imminent danger, and direct visitors to the area through other routes.
- Those who intend to put up overnight stalls for horses should apply for a permit from the National Park. The same applies to those who plan to take a group larger than twenty horses around the area. Apply for the permit on the National Park’s website.
- In general, it is not permitted to stay overnight and put up a tent within the National Park, and travellers are advised to camp in the campsite in its vicinity. People who enter the National Park on foot or by bicycle with all their luggage are, however, permitted to camp in traditional camping tents for one night at defined camping sites cf. Proclamation no. 935/2021. If there are more than three tents, an organised group trip or if camping for more than one night, a permit from the National Park is required. Camping site means that it is not an organised campsite.
- To protect the National Park's biodiversity and to cause as little disturbance as possible to visitors, helicopters are only allowed to land within the National Park at certain times and at defined landing points. A permit from the Environment Agency is required for exceptions to that rule.
- For the protection of the environment and to ensure a good experience for visitors, it is not permitted to fly remote-controlled aircraft within the National Park during the period 15 April - 15 September, except with the permission of the Environment Agency. The ban applies to the area along the coast and below Útnesvegur (road no. 574). The area will be marked on the map of the National Park. Exempted from the ban are search and rescue operations, activities of the Coast Guard, cf. Regulation no. 60/1998 and Regulation no. 1185/2012 and the institutions that carry out statutory research and monitoring of natural and cultural monuments.
Contact for the Park:
National Park Center: +354 661 1500
Visitor Center in Malarrif: +354 436 6888
Ranger phone number: +354 692 5296