Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
Leaders & Returners

Returning volunteers
Although the Trail Team programme runs for 9 weeks, shorter placements are available for volunteers returning to the ICV programme. The dates of placements are decided in unison with the applicants and the participants may join the Trail Teams or, in the case of 4-5 volunteers coming during the same period, a “Returners‘ ICV Trail Team” might be set up.
Placements run for two to four weeks and follow the standard Trail Team format. They begin on Sunday and end on Saturday so that participants do not arrive or leave in the middle of projects. The participants will need to arrive in Reykjavík on the day before their placement starts. We regret that ICV cannot provide accommodation for participants arriving before the start of their placement or who are staying on after their placements are completed. Within the placement’s period however, accommodation, food and transport are of course provided.
Please note that Returning Volunteers places are very limited.
General ICV Trail Team terms and conditions (costs, equipment, insurance, etc.) apply and further information about the ICV Trail Team programme can be found here.
To apply please email us at before the 1st of March 2025.

Team Leaders
Volunteer leaders who have already led an ICV trail team or a holiday group in Iceland are always very welcome.
Volunteers with experience in leading teams in other countries than Iceland who would like to lead ICV teams are also welcomed to contact the coordinator and discuss further steps. This process usually involves a skype interview.
We generally recommend that our volunteer leaders join our annual Leaders' training course mid-March. To attend this training course, please contact us at before the 31st of January.
During this training, the Environment Agency of Iceland organises workshops and training for both new and experienced team leaders.