Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
National Park Center Hellissandur
Address: Sandhraun 5, 360 Hellissandur
Phone: +354 661 1500
Opening hours
Everyday from 10:00 - 16:00
National Park Center will be closed - 24 December, 25 December, 26 December, 31. December and 1st of January.
Public restrooms accessible on the right side of the National Park center. Open 24/7.

The building's design is called Jökulhöfði, and was created by Arkís arkitektar ehf. who won a design competition in 2006. The building is divided into three parts: to the south is Jökulhöfði, whose name refers to Snæfellsjökull, which towers over the building and houses an exhibition hall and restaurants; to the north is Fiskbeinið, which refers to popular fishing grounds in the area and houses the National Park's offices, a souvenir shop and an educational space. It also has an information desk.
Þjóðvegurinn runs through the building, and the design of the building allows you to walk right through it, both on the inside and outside.

The National Park Center is fully designed and built based on the BREEAM international certification standard. The BREEAM criteria assume that environmentally friendly buildings materials are used and that waste is limited during construction and operation, which contributes to the fact that the buildings will be more environmentally friendly and more economical in operation. BREEAM also includes the relationship between buildings and social issues such as the local environment, transport and innovations that can improve the quality of buildings and the environment.

The aspects of BREEAM that are most relevant in the National Park Center in Hellissandur:
Daily operations are based on Green Accounting, and at the end of each operating year, calculations of daylight, energy and water consumption will be submitted. All waste that leaves the building will be weighed. The requirements were also placed on the contractor throughout the entire construction process.
Access to the building will be exemplary, and there are good walking and cycling paths leading to and from the National Park Center. Charging stations will be available for both visitors and staff of the National Park.
The entire construction and operating process is carried out based on the most environmentally friendly methods, and the choice of materials is low maintenance (materials can erode, no outdoor paint, etc.).
All wood used in the building is FSC certified, which means it is traceable throughout the production process.

The National Park Center in Hellissandur is designed and accordance with the competitional proposal of Arkís arkitektar ehf.
Framkvæmdasýslan - Ríkiseignir (FSRE) managed the building construction, and Húsheild contractors handled the development project.