Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
Information and services

Please keep to marked trails. Vehicles and bicycles are restricted to roads and tracks. Horse trekking is allowed only on marked bridle paths. Riders are requested to contact a Park Ranger. There are no campsites in the National Park but backpackers may camp for one night.
National Road 574, Útnesvegur, follows a course through the National Park and can be used as a northern or southern approach.
There are no campsites in the National Park but there are many in the vicinity as well as a selection of accommodations and restaurants to suit all tastes. Ólafsvík, Lýsuhóll, Grundarfjörður and Stykkishólmur all have heated public swimming pools.
The nearest grocery stores are in Hellissandur and Ólafsvík. There are petrol stations at most of these locations, as well as at Arnarstapi.
The following short list of Icelandic words may be helpful in understanding place names in the area:
- fell hill, small mountain
- hellir cave
- hóll hill, hillock, knoll
- hólar plural of hóll
- hraun lava
- jökull glacier
- klettur cliff
- lækur stream, brook
- nes cape, promontory, headland
- rétt sheep corral
- sandur sand
- skáli lodge, cabin
- snær snow
- steinn stone, boulder
- vík small bay, cove, inlet
- vör landing place
- þúfa clump of grass, tussock