Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
Blautos and Innstavogsnes
Blautós and Innstavogsnes were protected in 1999, and the aim of the protection was to preserve the landscape and ecosystems of the area, which has a rich birdlife.
Blautós is within the boundaries of the Akranes municipality and includes mudflats, beaches and baylands up to the high current flood limits. There are stables at Æðaroddi, and the boundaries of the nature reserve follow the rip-rap all the way up to the Flæðilækur estuary. The whole of Innstavogsnes is protected, along with skerries, inlets and beaches to the high current flood limits on the outside of the headland, and that includes Langasker and Innstavogshólmi. In the south, the area is bounded by Flæðilækur over to a junction by Mónes.
The nature reserve covers an area of approx. 295 ha.
Points of Interest
The area is rich in birdlife and is well vegetated. It has beautiful landscape and interesting geological formations. The area is quite popular for outdoor activities, as it is close to the urban area of Akranes.
Sites of Natural Interest
The nature reserve has numerous habitat services. For example, the nature reserve is an ideal habitat for wild plants and animals and therefore sustains biological and genealogical diversity. The area also plays an important informational role, as it has beautiful and diverse landscape features as well as offering recreational opportunities that can be connected to green tourism, such as hiking and horseback riding. The nature reserve’s variability also provides opportunities for cultural and artistic inspiration and has been used as source material for movies, painting and folklore. In addition, Blautós and Innstavogsnes have scientific and educational value and have been utilized both for scientific research and for teaching in schools.
Brant geese reside in Blautós and Innstavogsnes in spring and fall, and research suggests that they are increasing in numbers; in 2008, 1,800 birds were counted within the nature reserve. It is thought that a quarter of the brant geese population use Blautós and Innstavogsnes, as well as the nature reserve in Grunnafjörður, on their travels between countries, since the brant geese that stop-over in Iceland nest in Canada and then spend winters in Ireland. Eider ducks nest in the area, and the utilization of their down is permitted in the traditional way.
The nature reserve is located just outside the Akranes municipality. There is no road in the area and no marked footpath in the nature reserve. However, it is possible to walk along a trail through the nature reserve, which runs along the beach.
The town council of Akranes is authorized, in consultation with the Environment Agency, to set rules regarding use and traffic in the area, but the general public is allowed to travel through and stay in the area for legitimate purposes, provided good conduct is observed.
The nature reserve is accessible all year round.