Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
About the area
On June 17, 2020, the Geysir region was classified as a protected area. The protected are is 1.2 km 2 in size and is supervised and managed by the Environmental Agency.
The aim of the conservation of the natural environment is to promote the preservation of the exclusive geological formations, species, microorganisms and special vegetation in the hot spring area, which is unique on a national and global scale. The objective of declaring the area as protected is also to ensure that it is used for educational and scientific research, as the educational and scientific value of the area is high, both domestically and internationally. With the declaration of the area as protected, its future use for outdoor activities and tourism can be ensured and it is still possible to welcome the vast number of visitors who visit the area each year. The declaration also promotes the restoration of the natural environment that has been disturbed and restoration to its former state as much as possible.

The following is prohibited:
- All disturbance of geosites, including any type of inscriptions and disruption of the activity and water level of the geothermal area, disruption of the hot spring scabs, hot springs, soil and stones, except with permission granted according to paragraph 11
- Breaking and removing hot spring scabs, soil and stones
- Any changes to the topography are prohibited except for protective measures carried out by the Environment Agency
- Altering the water level or water flow through the area or otherwise impairing the functionality or natural characteristics of the protected area, except that surface water may be used according to paragraph 11.
- Putting soap or other substance into hot springs and pools of water in the protected area
- Cooking or boiling food in the hot spring clay, hot springs and pools of water with the exception of bread baking as is traditional in the region
- Throwing or discharging any effects, such as stones, coins and soap into the hot springs, pools of water and their drainage
- Bathing in the hot springs, pools of water and in their drainage in the hot spring area
For the protection of the hot spring scabs and for its possible renewal and for safety reasons, all visitors to the area must follow the marked walkways within the hot spring area.