Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English

About the area


Frá 20. júní til 15. september frá kl. 8 - 15 þarf að bóka bílastæði í Landmannalaugum / Mynd: Canva


Landmannalaugar is surrounded by vast and colorful mountain ranges, and numerous hiking trails start from the cabin area, where most should be able to find a trail suited to their level. Landmannalaugar is also the starting point of the Laugavegur trail, which is probably Iceland's most famous hiking trail.

Getting there

Access to Landmannalaugar is via road F208 (Fjallabaksleið Nyrðri), but the last 2.5 km are driven on F224 (Landmannalaugavegur). The entire route is passable for four-wheel-drive vehicles, but two rivers need to be crossed right before arriving at Landmannalaugar. It's possible to park at P1 without crossing the rivers, recommended for smaller SUVs and/or inexperienced drivers, then cross over a pedestrian bridge. Always check road conditions prior to driving into the highlands.

Camping and accommodation

In Landmannalaugar, there are cabin accommodations and a camping site operated by The Iceland Touring Association, which also manages the toilets and shower facilities. Cabin wardens provide further information on-site, and it's possible to pay for accommodation and purchase a trail map for the Fjallabak Nature Reserve there.

Throughout the summer, Environment Agency rangers are on-site daily in Landmannalaugar to offer details about hiking trails and lead scheduled ranger-walks


Frá 20. júní til 15. september frá kl. 8 - 15 þarf að bóka bílastæði í Landmannalaugum / Mynd: Canva
The hut and camping ground in Landmannalaugar.