Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
Krossanesborgir was protected as a country park in 2005. The aim is to preserve the area for outdoor activities for the general public, nature viewing and education. In addition, it is an important nesting site for a number of bird species, and habitats of rare plant species and unique geological formations are protected, thus contributing to the conservation of biological and geological diversity.
- The country park covers an area of 114.8 ha.
Points of Interest
The area is full of rock clusters or short cliffs which face north-south and are usually whale-back shaped, i.e. sloping to the south, but with rock belts to the north and east.
The clusters have basalt that is 5–10 million years old, and Akureyri’s bedrock is made from it. Most of the clusters are pretty much how the glacier left them around 10 thousand years ago. They lie in irregular rows and clusters, and in-between them are usually swamps, with ponds in some of them. The biggest clusters have their own names, such as Stekkjarklöpp, Krummaklöpp, Háaklöpp and Hestklöpp. The biggest ponds are Djáknatjörn, just inside Brávellir, and Hundatjörn above Ytra-Krossnes. Hundatjörn is an ideal place for schoolchildren to practice collecting organisms that live in ponds and other wetlands.
There is a lot of vegetation in these ponds, especially Djáknatjörn, where many pondweed species grow, including the rare long-stalked pondweed. The cliffs show various signs of glacial landslides, besides their shape, as previously mentioned. In many places, there are clear glacial striae (glacier streaks) and deeper grooves, medium boulders, etc. Vegetation in the clusters is diverse, and approx. 190 plant species have been found there, thereof 16 in the sedge family. This is approximately 40% of all Icelandic flowering plants and pteridophytes. Most of the marshes in the clusters have escaped marsh draining. These are the only marshes on the grounds that are unspoiled. The marsh vegetation is especially diverse. Otherwise, heather and grass vegetation dominate the dry land and willow bushes are fairly common.
Birdlife was specially researched in summer 2003. It was found that a total of 27 species of birds nest in the area, i.e. 35% of all Icelandic bird species. The density of bird populations in the area is high; in summer 2003, it was approx. 600 pairs/km2 and had increased by 100% from 5 years earlier. A few of the bird species that nest in the area are on the threatened list. The area is an important nesting ground for more species of birds.
Cultural Heritage
The farm Lónsgerði once stood in the area, and the ruins are still visible. Signs of a water supply canal, constructed at the turn of the century in 1900, can still be seen in the area. The first roadway north from Akureyri, built in 1907, runs through the area and is practically the only part left of that road. During WWII, there were army barracks in the area, gun nests and barb-wire fences, the remains of which can still be seen.