Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English

Hverastrytur in Eyjafjordur

This is the first area of natural interest on the seabed to be protected in Iceland and was protected as a natural monument in 2001. The aim of the protection is to preserve the unique natural phenomena involved in the formation of the geothermal chimneys, their composition, appearance and features, as well as the microbial ecosystems, which thrive under these unusual circumstances.

The geothermal chimneys are located at a depth of around 65 m, with one of them reaching up to a depth of approx. 33 m and the other to approx. 15 m. The geothermal chimneys’ singularity is also in their height, which is unusual.

Geothermal Chimneys in the Heart of Eyjafjörður, North of Arnarnesnafir

The geothermal chimneys north of Arnarnesnafir were protected as a natural monument in 2007. The aim of the protection is to preserve the distinctive formations and ecosystems, biological diversity and unique natural phenomena involved in the formation of the geothermal chimneys, their composition, appearance and features, as well as the microbial ecosystems, which thrive under these unusual circumstances. The geothermal chimneys are up to 10 m high and are at a depth of 25–45 m.

The protection value of the geothermal chimneys is also in their diversity and the particularly robust ecosystem that has a high scientific, educational and protection value.