Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English


Álfaborg, which means „The City of the Hidden People“ is a mountain castle close to the sea, located in middle of the fjord Borgarfjörður eystri. Álfaborg was declared a country park in 1976, but Country Parks are areas that have been declared protected for recreational and public use. 
Legends tell of a large society of hidden people in the Álfaborg mountain castle. They hold that it is the location of the manor of the highest of elves and royals of the hidden people of the East. It is also common belief that the elven queen of Iceland lives in Álfaborg. Myriads of legends about the elven population of Álfaborg exist, among them are stories of young girls marrying the inhabitants of Álfaborg. One of those legends is supposed to have influenced the location of a church when it was moved from Desjamýri and into the village of Bakkagerði at the beginning of the 20th century. 
The Country Park is 0,9 km2(0.347 square miles) 

For the visitor – Traversing the area –Useful information – Things of interest

To get to Álfaborg take the Borgarfjardarvegur road nr. 94. The hike up to Álfaborg is easy and starts close to the camp site in Bakkagerði. On top of Álfaborg is a view dial noting the points of interest of the mountain ring around Borgarfjörður eystri.

The camp site in Bakkagerði is situated close to Álfaborg, it is prohibited to camp within the protected area.

Park Rules

  • Visitors welcome as long as they help us treat the environment with care and respect.
  • No grazing within the Country Park.
  • No vehicles permitted.
  • No construction or mechanical distrubances on the ground permitted.
  • Planting of trees is permitted with the approval of specialists, but not in the Álfaborg itself where natural growth must be preserved.