
Temporary registration

Upon entry into force of the Chemicals Act No 61/2013 on April 17th 2013 all registrations for plant protection products were repealed. According to the II. transitional provision of the Chemicals Act, it was possible to apply for a temporary registration of plant protection products which had a valid registration upon the entry into force of the new Act. Plant protection products granted such a temporary registration were in turn permitted to be placed on the market in Iceland for a time period based on how long the active substance in the product concerned is approved within the EU.

Plant protection products holding a temporary registration

Mutual recognition

Icelandic Regulation No 1002/2014 applies to mutual recognition of certain authorisations for plant protection products, i.e. products which have previously been granted an authorisation in another EEA-state on the basis of Directive 79/117 / EEC and 91/414 / EC, before Regulation (EU) No 1107/2009 entered into force on June 14th 2011. This regulation thus bridges the gap between older national legislation and the EC legislation on placing of plant protection products on the market.

Applications for mutual recognition are accepted from all the countries within the North Zone for products that are authorized for outdoor use. The North Zone includes Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Applications for mutual recognition are accepted from countries within the Central Zone for products authorized for greenhouse use.

  • For information about application for a mutual recognition of a certain authorisation for a plant protection product according to Icelandic Regulation No 1002/2014, send your inquiries to

National regulation
National regulation No. 544/2015 on plant protection products of 6th June 2015 implements regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 21st 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market. Authorisations of plant protection products containing active substances approved after June 14th 2011 are governed by this regulation.

The Guidance document on work-sharing in the Northern Zone in the authorization of plant protection products  describes the procedure for the submission and assessment of applications for authorisation and re-authorisation of plant protection products under Regulation EC 1107/2009 in the North Zone.

The Environmental Agency of Iceland charges a fee for the processing of applications for authorisation of plant protection products according to its list of administrative fees.

An invoice will be sent upon receipt of the application.

An unofficial translation of an extraction from the list of fees is available in English.

For questions concerning the placing on the market of plant protection products in Iceland please send your inquiries to