Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English

Plant protection products

  1. What are plant protection products?
    Plant protection products consists of one or more active substances, micro-organisms, other organisms or part of them, and are used to influence the growth of plants, destroying undesired plants or protect or prevent plants from harmful organisms, such as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides or plant growth regulator.
  2. What legislation does apply for plant protection products in Iceland?
    Legislation concerning plant protection product is according to Chemical Act No 61/2013 and national Regulation No 544/2015 on plant protection products, whereas EC legislation concerning plant protection products was implemented with that regulation. Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market has therefore been implemented in Iceland.
  3. Does a plant protection product need an authorisation to be on the Icelandic market?
    In order to be placed on the market in Iceland a plant protection product must have an authorisation issued by the Environmental Agency of Iceland, according to article 35 of the Chemical Act No 61/2013 and article 5 of national Regulation No 544/2015. Further information may be found in Guidance for application of authorisation for plant protection products.
  4. What is a temporary registration for plant protection product?
    Upon entry into force of the Chemicals Act No 61/2013 all registrations for plant protection products were repealed. According to the II. transitional provision of the Chemicals Act, it was possible to apply for a temporary registration of plant protection products which had a valid registration upon the entry into force of the new Act. Plant protection products granted such a temporary registration were in turn permitted to be placed on the market in Iceland for a time period based on how long the active substance in the product concerned is approved within the EU.
  5. How do I apply for an authorisation for plant protection products?
    Applicants may apply for an authorisation by filling out an application form and send the application accompanied with the necessary documents to the Environmental Agency Iceland. The application form may be found on our Plant protection products.
  6. How do I know if plant protection product is allowed on the Icelandic market?
    A list of temporary registration for plant protection products as well as list of authorised plant protection products in Iceland may be found on our website.
  7. What are the fees for an authorisation of plant protection product?
    The Environmental Agency of Iceland charges a fee for the processing of applications for authorisation of plant protection products according to its list of administrative fees. An unofficial translation of an extraction from the list of fees is available in English.
  8. Can anyone buy plant protection products?
    Plant protection products are classified into two groups:
    • Plant protection products for non-professional use (amateur use).
    • Plant protection products that are for professional use.
      To buy and use plant protection products that are intended for professional use you will need to have a valid certificate for plant protection product. See further information concerning certificate for use of plant protection products.
  9. Is it allowed to place seeds on the Icelandic market that have been treated with a plant protection product?

Yes it is allowed to place seeds that are treated with a plant protection product on the market in Iceland if the product in question is authorised in at least one Member state in EU.