Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
- What language requirements apply to detergents in Iceland?
Labelling under the Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 on detergents shall be in English, Icelandic or Nordic language other than Finnish, in accordance with Article 3 of the national Regulation No 300/2014 on washing and cleaning products.
If a detergent is also a subject to the CLP-regulation, the labelling items affected by that regulation must be in Icelandic. - What rules apply to the registration of ingredients in detergents?
- The following weight percentage ranges should be used to indicate the content of constituents if added in concentrations greater than 0.2% by weight: less than 5 %; 5 % or over but less than 15 %; 15 % or over but less than 30 %; 30 % and more.
- The following classes of constituents, if added, shall be listed irrespective of their concentration, although the concentration is less than 0.2%: Enzyme disinfectant, optical brighteners, perfumes and preservatives.
- If an allergic-releasing agent is added to a concentration of more than 0,01% by weight, it shall be indicated on the packaging in accordance with the name system of the Cosmetics regulation.
- A website where ingredients datasheets can be obtained should be provided.
The names of ingredients for detergents may be in Icelandic, English or Nordic language other than Finnish according to Article 3 in the national Regulation No 300/2014 on washing and cleaning products.
- What excess rules apply to the labelling of laundry detergents?
- The recommended quantities and/or dosage instructions expressed in millilitres or grams appropriate to a standard washing machine load, for soft, medium and hard water hardness classes and making provision for one or two cycle washing processes. Please note, that the drinking water in Iceland is in most cases soft, i.e. the lowest category.
- The number of washing cycles should be given in a package based on average water for slightly, normally or heavily soiled laundry.
- The capacity of any measuring cup, if provided, shall be indicated in millilitres or grams, and markings shall be provided to indicate the dose of detergent appropriate for a standard washing machine load for soft, medium and hard water hardness.