Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
Certificate for pest control
- What legislation does apply for pest control and professional use of biocides for pest control?
The provisions concerning the use of biocides for pest control and certificate for professional use can be found in the Chemical Act No 61/2013 and national Regulation No 677/2021 concerning the use of plant protection products and exterminating agents.
- What is the definition of professional use of biocides for pest control?
The use of biocides, e.g. rodenticides and insecticides by a professional user to reduce or prevent damages by pests that may cause damage or impurities in or at houses, animal housing, vehicles, warehouses etc. Pests are defined as rats, mouse, insects and other invertebrates. Please note that the following animals are not defined as pests: arctic fox, mink, rabbit or scavenging birds.
- What is a certificate for pest control?
The certificate for pest control gives an individual the right to buy and use biocides for pest control intended for professional use only. The certificates are issued by the Environmental Agency of Iceland.
- What are the requirements for a certificate for pest control?
In order to apply for a certificate for pest control, the following requirements needs to be fulfilled:- Applicants need to have finished education or a training course concerning the use of biocides for pest control. Furthermore, applicants should have passed an exam which confirms their acquired knowledge.
- The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland has to confirm that the equipment used by the applicant and is considered necessary for the safe and proper use of pest control products has been inspected
- Applicants must be 18 years old.
- When is the training course on the use of biocides for pest control offered?
The Agricultural University of Iceland is the organizer of the course for the use of biocides for pest control. For further information please see their website ( or contact by phone (+354 433 5000) or e-mail (
- How do I apply for a certificate for pest control?
It is possible to fill out an electronic application form on the website of the Environmental Agency: Þjónustugátt – Mínar síður.
- When does the certificates expire?
The certificate will expire 5 years after they have been issued.
- How do I apply for a renewal of the certificate?
Before 1. January 2022, the following requirements have to be fulfilled:- The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland has to confirm that the equipment used by the applicant use and is considered necessary for the safe and proper use of pest control products has been inspected.
After 1. January 2022, the following requirements have to be fulfilled: - Applicants need to have finished additional training course about the use of biocides for pest control in the time period since the last certificate was issued.
- The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland has to confirm that the equipment used by the applicant and is considered necessary for the safe and proper use of pest control products has been inspected.
Application form for the renewal of the certificate may be found on the Environmental Agency website: Þjónustugátt – Mínar síður.
- The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland has to confirm that the equipment used by the applicant use and is considered necessary for the safe and proper use of pest control products has been inspected.
- How do I become a professional pest controller?
To work as a professional user of biocides for pest control you will have to have valid certificate for pest control issued by the Environmental Agency of Iceland. Additionally, an operative licence from the local health inspectorate is required.