Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English

Account for Verifiers

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

Verifiers and the union registry

This guidance does not purport to be and should not be considered a legal interpretation of the provisions and requirements of Act No 70/2012 on Climate Change which transposes Regulation No. 1193/2011/EU, or any other related legal instrument. 

A request for a verifier account in the Union Registry shall be submitted to the national administrator. The person requesting the account shall provide information as required by the national administrator including the information set out in Annex II and Annex IV. 

According to article 19 of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1193/2011 the national administrator shall open the verifier account in the Union Registry or inform prospective account holder of the refusal to open the account within 20 working days of the receipt of a complete set of information. 

Opening a verifier account in the Union Registry

This guidance details information that must be provided to open a verifier account in the Icelandic part of the Union Registry. Please note that accounts will not be opened until all required documents have been submitted and relevant fees paid. Incomplete applications will be returned. 

1.General information

Authorised Representative (AR) 

A verifier account shall have at least one authorised representative. 

Additional Authorised Representative (AAR) 

You may appoint an Additional Authorised Representative to the verifier account, but it is not mandatory

You may appoint more than one AAR. A maximum of ten AARs may be appointed. 

2. Steps to be completed to open an Verifier Account

The following steps must be completed in order to apply for a Verifier Account in the Union Registry. 

  1. Read the Terms of Use of the Icelandic Emissions Trading Registry in the Union Registry. 
  2. Fill out the electrical information form
  3. Create users in the Union Registry for each nominated Authorised Representative for the account. 
  4. Send all required documents (listed below) to the Environmental Agency of Iceland. 
  5. Pay required fees (see below). 

Additional information to be provided for opening a verifier account is a document proving that the person requesting the account opening is accredited as as verifier in accordance with Article 15 of Directive 2003/87/EC. 


The following fees are charged for opening and maintaining an Verifier Account in the Icelandic part of the Union Registry. 

  • Account establishment fee       62 400 ISK 
  • Annual fee*                              62 400 ISK 

* The annual fee for an account is calculated from the date when the account is created. The annual fee collected shall be multiplied by X/365, where X represents the number of days remaining in the year when the account is created. 

An invoice will be sent to applicants of Verifier Account by the Environmental Agency of Iceland. The account will not be opened until the payment has been received. 

Address and support 

All documents shall be sent in a hard copy to the Environmental Agency of Iceland at the address below. An additional electronic copy can also be sent to:

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact via e-mail or phone. 

Environmental Agency of Iceland
Att: ETS Registry
Sudurlandsbraut 24
108 Reykjavík
 +354 591 2000 

The Environmental Agency has 40 working days after the receipt of a complete set of information as specified below to open the Verifier Account or to inform the prospective account holder of refusal to open the account. 

3. Required documents

The documents listed below must be submitted to the Environmental Agency of Iceland to open a Verifier Account in the Union registry. 

Legal entity documents: 

  1. Power of Attorney form, appointing your Authorised Representatives and Additional Authorised Representatives (optional). The form must be signed by a beneficial owner or a listed director of the Legal Entity.
  2. A document proving that the person requesting the account opening is accredited as as verifier in accordance with Article 15 of Directive 2003/87/EC 

Additional documents (if applicable): 

  1. Declaration regarding mandate for approval of annual emissions figure entered by an aircraft operator in the Union Registry. 

Authorised Representatives documents: 

  1. Criminal record 
  2. Affidavit declaration 
  3. Proof of identity, this may be a copy of one of the following 
    • a)a passport 
    • b)an identity card issued by a state that is a member of the European Economic Area or the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
  4. Proof of permanent address, this may be a copy of one of the following 
    • The identity document submitted under point 4(b), if it contains the address of the permanent residence 
    • Any other government-issued identity document that contains the address of permanent residence 
    • If the country of permanent residence does not issue identity documents that contain the address of permanent residence, a statement from the local authorities confirming the nominee's permanent residence 


All application documents submitted shall be in English or Icelandic. If the original document is in another language the documents must be accompanied with a certified translation to English or Icelandic. 

Document Certification 

All copies of documents submitted as evidence must be certified as a true copy by a Notary Public. If documents are issued outside Iceland, the copy must be Apostilled. The date of the certification or Apostille must not be more than three months prior to the date of the application. 

All data are handled in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (no. 77/2000) and Commission Regulation (EU) No 389/2013 for a standardized and secured registry system.